How to be better in bed, you ask? At Hentai Porn Videos, we’re always here to help you with any concerns and questions you may have. Men have it easy when it comes to items for fun between the sheets, right? So why shouldn’t you also have access to exciting tips and tricks on how to make your client have the best hentai porn video of his life?
Without further ado, let’s see which male porn video spots you should visit during your next session and make it happen. Something that you and he will remember forever. After all, it takes two to tango!
A Little Scrotum Fun
Many hentai porn videos are afraid to go anywhere near a man’s scrotum. We think you’re missing out on all the fun. Plus, if you know how to play with it, your hentai porn video will keep you coming back for more.
How should we approach the situation? Whatever you do, don’t squeeze or bite his scrotum. Instead, gently cup or squeeze it gently. Another way would be to suck it and Watch it reach orgasm in a few minutes.
You can also start the action like this: put one of your hands around his balls. Next, make sure your hentai porn video tips are brought to the said balls. Imagine that you have to pick up a towel from your bedroom floor. Do you have the image in mind? Perfect, now he will move and explode with pleasure.
Give some love to the perineum.
Now that he has taken care of his scrotum, move the party behind him. U A man’s perineum is where his ejaculatory muscles are located. The moment they are massaged, their hentai porn video will be much more powerful. Gently rub the perineum with one of your thumbs in a circular motion. Let your tongue join in the fun and keep up with what you’re doing with your thumb. Are you ready to reach orgasm? Press hard on the area, and… success is guaranteed!
Focus on His Shaft
Many men find that the tip of their penis is extremely sensitive. Their internal erectile tissues are deep beneath the skin’s surface. We suggest forming a fist around the shaft and then moving it up and down. Hentai porn videos are a little pressure (or more, if it’s okay) now and then, and that’s it. Your client will thank the stars for meeting you.
Touch the male G-spot
Women have their G-spot, so of course, there’s one for men, too. What is this? His prostate. Where to find it? A long hentai porn video in its ass. Be sure to lubricate your chosen finger well before inserting. Aim towards the front of your client’s body for the best effect.