Now that you have answered all the psychological questions from the previous article on how to become a professional erotic massage therapist, it is time to do some planning. What are your next steps from now on? Will you join an agency or become an independent escort? What does each option entail? How do you pitch an erotic massage to a client, and how do you advertise your services? In the following article, we hope to answer all these questions and help you gain insight:
Please find the most popular agencies while you check out their employers. Check their security arrangements and the process they follow when screening clients. See if you get along well with the people you will work with and feel comfortable around them. However, if you feel confident enough to pursue a career in erotic massage on your own, the following questions will help you more. This has many advantages, such as keeping all the money, choosing the clients you work with, setting your rates, and choosing your days off.
How can I stay safe? Your agency should teach you all the safety techniques, but if you are going it alone, read some erotic massage blogs first and find what works best for you from their experiences. Filter your clients and compare them with a blocklist database. Know how to implement the use of protection. Don’t discuss other clients with your clients. Always tell someone where you are and have a backup solution ready if a client becomes aggressive.
How do I advertise? If you work for an agency, you shouldn’t promote yourself. Whether you’re a freelancer or not, establishing yourself and creating an online image will help your business. There are many free platforms where you can easily create a website, such as erotic massages, which is user-friendly and explains many features in their blog. In order to make a website, you can advertise online and offline and sign up for as many erotic messages as you can, keeping in mind that some ask for money and many are not up to date or have a bad reputation. Check them out before signing up!
These are the main questions you should ask before getting into the erotic massage business, but there are also other tips you should keep in mind. Avoid taking drugs or drinking excessively. Always get tested for STDs and always take a shower before and after a meeting. Stay fit and healthy, wear subtle fragrances, and have a professional portfolio and a nice set of clothes for your dates. And above all, stay confident in yourself! Good Luck!